taste in fashion

January 18, 2010 at 6:05 pm (Uncategorized)

Talking about fashion, there are two types of people according to their fashion attitude : people who are drawn to it and people who dont care even the slightest idea about it. There are a lot of style in the way people dress, as many as genres in music. Hence, I am bringing up five different style here. (the photos are taken from three big cities: New York, London and Paris)

1. Casual. I think everyone is quite aware of this style.  This style is the most down-to-earth among the other four. It is simple and timeless.

2. Sophisticated. This style is about elegance, high-fashion and urbanization. There are lots of playing in layers, patterns and fabric. People who live in big cities like Paris, Milan, New York, Shanghai dress up sophisticatedly.

3. Edgy. Edgy is the new trend, the new black. It’s hip and super wow-ing. It’s not at all feminine or ladylike but it is classy.

4. Rock. Rock is sometimes wronged as Goth.

5. Vintage. London is the central world of “vintage”. The other cities that have vintage-street-walkers are Liverpool, Copenhagen, Melbourne, etc.

Now, what style interests you the most? and why?


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my last four-new-year celebrations by yolanda

January 12, 2010 at 6:10 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

New Year is really nothing; I mean nothing does tragically happen or differently change. But somehow, we all still remember what happened on the NewYear eves, at least for the last 5 years.

My recent new year celebration was the most uninteresting event compared to the other 3. my 6 friends, my boyfriend and I gathered at my friend’s house to have some barbecue. It felt just like another day where we spend a night together (which have been hundred times). But a game called charades changed everything. We laughed until our jaws dropped. Later on we played our traditional game, i.e poker. The clock pointed the “4” sign when we stopped playing. But we continued chatting despite our extreme exhaustion. At last we said our first goodbyes on 2010 at 5.

Then, the two last new year (2008 to 2009), was the night i spent on my favourite hotel in Jakarta, Sheraton Bandara. That hotel is just homey and fresh. I did the countdown with all the other guests on a gala dinner with live band and fireworks.

I was in Singapore to celebrate 2007 to 2008 new year with my friends.

On the 2007’s new year eve, I was in Melbourne which is called “Victoria” by the local people.

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Can you guess??

January 12, 2010 at 5:26 pm (Entertainment)


"The Lava Burst

"The Flast Flood"

"The ice age"

Is it real??? No. It’s just a street art, 3D street art by Edgar Mueller

Fitria Rahmayanti. 1201002280.

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January 12, 2010 at 5:05 pm (Entertainment)

Edgar Mueller – 3D Pavement Art – A Master of street painting uses the street as a canvas. If one looks from the right spot, its three-dimensional painting becomes the perfect illusion. He paints over large areas of urban public life and gives them a new appearance, thereby challenging the perceptions of passers-by.

"Edgar Mueller"

Anyway, you want to know the proses to made this street art?

"The Ice Age"

just watch this video:

I hope you enjoy it. And from that video you’ll know why i love Edgar Mueller so much 🙂

Fitria Rahmayanti. 1201002280.

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Transformers:Revenge of The Fallen is a bad movie

November 8, 2009 at 2:40 am (Entertainment)

I think this is not a good movie because its storyline is not as good as the one of the first movie,transformers,although it shows more actions and robots.There are several reasons why i don’t really like this movie,such as:

1.Bad physical appearance of several robots(skids,mudflap,the fallen,rampage,devastator,jetfire,the demolishor)

2.Long duration

3.Bad humors

4.Several robots disappear without explanation


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My sister’s terrifying experience

November 8, 2009 at 1:30 am (Uncategorized)

This happened in 2008.When i and my family returned from pekayon,my father pulled over his car to eat fried rice nearby Kemang Pratama.After waiting for several minutes,we started to eat.While we were eating,my sister wanted to sit next to me.She looked so pale and i asked him why she moved,but she didn’t answer my question.When we arrived at home,she cried and at last told us all that she saw a female ghost when we were eating.My father didn’t believe it at first,but i did because i realized what she would have cried for if she hadn’t seen anything.I’m sure it will be unforgotten experience for her…

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How hollywood actors gain muscles for movie roles

November 6, 2009 at 2:32 pm (Uncategorized)

Every once in a while, a Hollywood actor will make such a dramatic physical transformation for a movie role that it gets people talking.

For example, Christian Bale re-worked his entire physique when he gained over a 100lbs for his role in Batman Begins. Ryan Reynolds shocked everyone when he got ripped and muscular for his role in The Amityville Horror.

And Ed Norton was nearly unrecognizable after gaining 35 pounds of muscle to portray a skinhead in the movie, American History X.

How Did They Do It?

Guys everywhere are wondering how these actors made such dramatic transformations.

And while the exact training and eating plans could only be discovered by interviewing each actor individually, we can reverse-engineer a plan by reviewing some common training philosophies that each actor recently revealed in public interviews.

So without any further ado, here are the…

Top Five Keys To Massive Muscle Gain
(Hollywood Style):

Key #1: Eat To Grow

There are some “arm-chair” experts who swear that you only need a small amount of protein to build muscle mass. The thing is… sometimes laboratory research doesn’t hold up to well in the real world. The protein case is a prime example. Any guy who’s actually gained a significant amount of muscle mass will tell you that you must increase your protein to make consistent strength and muscle gains.

It’s been alleged that Ed Norton openly admitted to using steroids to gain weight for his role in American History X. I can’t seem to find any of those admissions online anymore, but I do see in every interview that Ed Norton talks about upping his protein intake in order to increase muscle mass. Ryan Reynolds talks about eating 8-10 protein rich meals per day in order to make his transformation.

Key #2: Training Heavy To Build Muscle Mass

If you want to build appreciable muscle mass and massive strength, you cannot train with light weights. You must literally force the muscles to grow by training with ever-increasing loads.

Christian Bale attests to this fact:

“I couldn’t do a single push-up and so we had months ahead of us. I was just down at the gym with this good crazy ex-marine trainer friend of mine who just made me lift just impossible heavy weights for… months on end and then eventually managed to get in shape like kind of just in time for the beginning of the movie.”

Christian Bale, interview with Blackfilm.com

Key #3: Massive Motivation

Let’s face it: When you’ve got millions of dollars on the line, it can be pretty motivating to make sure you get to the gym and get your protein down. Ed Norton now receives anywhere from $1-8 million dollars per film. And you can be sure that Ryan Reynolds and Christian Bale aren’t working for peanuts either. And while money might be a very big reason why these actors are motivated to get into shape, the next key is what makes it all happen fast…

Key #4: Deadlines

There’s an old saying in business that any project will always expand to fulfill the time allotted.


If you’re given six months to write a term paper… it will take six months. But if that very same instructor only gives you three days, that very same project will only take three days. The same principle carries over to muscle gain. If you give yourself a long time to gain muscle mass and strength, it will take a long time.

But if you give yourself a tight deadline and fully commit to the task, don’t be surprised if you accomplish your goal in less than a fraction of the time. Deadlines are powerful and each of these actors had to gain muscle while working against a hard and fast deadline. Set up your own deadlines for maximum results. Don’t just say you want to gain 20lbs of muscle. Set up an end date and stick to it.

Key #5: Make It Your Job

Finally, each of these actors made muscle and strength gain their “jobs.”They didn’t have to go to an office or a construction site each day. It was their job to get in shape for their movie roles.

You will have to work a little harder, but you can harness the same principle. Make it your job to gain muscle and strength. Sure, you probably already have a job but make gaining muscle and strength your second job.Clear out any obstacles that will hinder your progress.

And if you feel like skipping the gym, tell yourself that it’s not an option because you’ve got to “go to work.” Follow these five keys and you’ll be on your way to building serious “Hollywood Muscle.”

Matt Marshall is not a personal trainer or a professional bodybuilder. He’s just a former skinny guy who figured out how average guys (with average genetics) can build muscle and develop outstanding physiques.

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How to be healthier

November 6, 2009 at 2:28 pm (Uncategorized)

If you strive for fitness, all great fitness tips you get should be read with passion. We all want a good health, and we want to stay fit. Some people find it hard to become fit and healthy. Overweight people are battling to lose pounds with diets and workouts and after a few weeks they give up and continue their un-healthy lifestyle. Some of them have other bad habits as well, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Other people loves to move; like running, swimming, basketball, tennis,skiing, you name it… they find joy and excitement in activities that bring them health and fitness. I’m concerned about the first group, the quitters.

What can they do to become healthy and fit? If you don’t know I’ll give you the answer right now. You have probably heard it a thousand times so you probably don’t wanna hear it again, but I beg you to read it 30 – thirty – times and memorize it. YOU MUST EXPEND MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. Here are a few tips on HOW to do it:

Drink Huge Amounts Of Water

One of the smartest fitness tips I have heard about and practiced is intake of fluids in large amounts. According to experts, water and juices from various kinds of fruit are essential part of good diet. Not only will such liquids help you lose weight, they can also keep you body optimally hydrated. Besides, people who are drinking enough fluids is a day usually have clearer complexion so drink up!

Move Around AS Much AS Possible (and try to make it fun !)

Many will say that moving around is the best fitness tip there is. Simple things like for instance climbing stairs, walking dogs, mowing your lawn, cleaning your house, dancing and other moving activities can burn a lot of calories. What is more engaging about moving around is that you don’t just lose weight but you also relieve your mind and your muscles from stress. According to recent studies, movement is one of the best stress relievers so don’t just sit all day in front of your computer at work. Stand up let’s say every half hour and stretch your legs. Likewise, it would be better for you to take the stairs instead of riding the elevator when you go to the office.

Stop Smoking Now

A very momentous fitness tip is for you to quit smoking and concentrate on staying healthy and fit. Tobacco-smoking is definitely bad for the body. Smokers often suffer from different types of diseases including certain types of cancers. If you value your health as well as your life, throw that tobacco away.

Don’t Stress

A lot of us who are under constant pressure tend to eat too much and do not take good care of their bodies. If you are one of them who are constantly too stressed-out to think straight, take a break and appraise the kind of life that you have.

Stay away from Food high in fat

Most of us love it; going to MacDonald or Burger King from time to time. It’s so easy and simple, and cheap. However, your body doesn’t like too much of it. Therefore you should eat as little fat food as possible. If you eat pork, cut off the fat parts of it, chicken is good food and can be prepared in many delicious ways and the same goes for fish – it’s so healthy and the fat you get from fish is the good kind of fat that your body needs. If you combine these foods with high fiber bread, vegetables and fruit and make this a habit, you will lose weight and become healthy.

Alif Vadian

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new year in korea

November 5, 2009 at 2:22 pm (Uncategorized)

2 years ago,me and my family went to korea for celebrating new year.we stayed there for 2 weeks.in there we stayed at my dad’s friend’s appartement.in korea we went to so many places,such as the old palace,we also went to a place like dufan but its bigger and more interested,but i forget the name of it place.then,on the new year night we went to the downtown.there was a huge ice skate area,but the line is so long ,so we didn’t skated.it was a really cold night.we was tried to stayed there until midnight,but we can’t stand the freeze.so we decided to we home and spent our new year night in the appartement.


by:bunga cempaka ratu

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My Holiday in Central Java

November 5, 2009 at 7:27 am (Uncategorized)

My holiday in Central Java was interesting.I went to Malioboro,Keraton,Sekar Arum boutique,Mirota Dept.Store,Alun-alun Yogya, and Solo.It was a great holiday.I started  to walked around Malioboro from morning until night.I ate Gudeg in the night at Malioboro street.I bought a lot of T-shirt and dress in Sekar Arum boutique and Rumah Butik in Solo.Then,I bought a lot of unique stuffs in Mirota Dept.Store.Central Java,especially Yogya and Solo has a lot of unique things.One of unique thing that made me interested was the homestuffs from the woodcut. They had kind of woodcut.One place that I visited to searched the homestuffs from the woodcut was in Cahaya Ukir,Bantul.Their woodcut was good quality and the price cheap enough.I think if someday I go to Central Java to have vacation I have to buy many handcrafts because in Central Java there are many cheap and unique handcrafts.


by: Dewi Cholipah

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